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  • Honkai Star Rail/Character/Body
  • Honkai Star Rail/Character/Body (Transparent)
  • Honkai Star Rail/Character/EyeShadow
  • Honkai Star Rail/Character/Face
  • Honkai Star Rail/Character/FaceMask
  • Honkai Star Rail/Character/Hair


  • It is recommended to reset the material after changing its shader.
  • The color and intensity of the main light will affect the character and need to be adjusted to suitable values. You can refer to the settings in the image below.

    Main Light Color and Intensity
    Main Light Color and Intensity

  • If using MMD models, set Model Type to MMD at the top of the material. MMD models lack some detailed information, so the rendering may not be as good as ripped models.

  • If the outline flickers or obscures the model, adjust the Z Offset value in the material's Outline section. Typically, this is a small negative number like -1e-05 or -1e-04.
  • If self shadow produces strange patterns (Shadow Acne), adjust the Depth Bias and Normal Bias in the material's Self Shadow Caster section. Typically, this is a negative number of the same order of magnitude as -0.01.

Auto-Generate Materials


You need the ability to export in-game materials as JSON files. These files will be referred to as material.json from here on.

This project provides a tool for automatically generating or overwriting a Material based on the material.json file.

Generate Material Automatically
Generate Material Automatically

The results generated by this tool are for reference only. Some detailed properties, such as BackFaceUseUV2, etc., still need to be manually configured.

Double-clicking on the converted material.json file opens the HSR Material Viewer, which makes it easier to browse the contents of the material.json file.

HSR Material Viewer
HSR Material Viewer

Tool Extension

After importing the HSR.NPRShader.Editor.Automation namespace, declare a class with a parameterless constructor derived from BaseMaterialSetter.

The following members can be overridden:

Member Type Name Description
Property Order Priority. The smaller the number, the higher the priority.
Property SupportedShaderMap Shader map supported by this class. Key is the Shader name in the game, and Value is the converted Shader name in the project.
Method ApplyTextures The parameters passed in are the Texture information in the material.json file, and the methods return a list of Textures to be set on the Material.
Method ApplyInts The parameters passed in are the Int information in the material.json file, and the methods return a list of Ints to be set on the Material.
Method ApplyFloats The parameters passed in are the Float information in the material.json file, and the methods return a list of Floats to be set on the Material.
Method ApplyColors The parameters passed in are the Color information in the material.json file, and the methods return a list of Colors to be set on the Material.
public class FaceMaterialSetter : BaseMaterialSetter
    protected override IReadOnlyDictionary<string, string> SupportedShaderMap => new Dictionary<string, string>()
        ["miHoYo/CRP_Character/CharacterFace"] = "Honkai Star Rail/Character/Face"

    protected override IEnumerable<(string, TextureJsonData)> ApplyTextures(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, TextureJsonData> textures)
        yield return ("_MainTex", textures["_MainTex"]);
        yield return ("_FaceMap", textures["_FaceMap"]);
        yield return ("_ExpressionMap", textures["_FaceExpression"]);

    protected override IEnumerable<(string, float)> ApplyFloats(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, float> floats)
        if (floats.TryGetValue("_UseUVChannel2", out float useUV2))
            yield return ("_FaceMapUV2", useUV2);

        yield return ("_EmissionThreshold", floats["_EmissionThreshold"]);
        yield return ("_EmissionIntensity", floats["_EmissionIntensity"]);

        yield return ("_NoseLinePower", floats["_NoseLinePower"]);

        yield return ("_mmBloomIntensity0", floats["_mBloomIntensity0"]);

    protected override IEnumerable<(string, Color)> ApplyColors(IReadOnlyDictionary<string, Color> colors)
        yield return ("_Color", colors["_Color"]);
        yield return ("_ShadowColor", colors["_ShadowColor"]);
        yield return ("_EyeShadowColor", colors["_EyeShadowColor"]);
        yield return ("_EmissionColor", Color.white);
        yield return ("_OutlineColor0", colors["_OutlineColor"]);
        yield return ("_NoseLineColor", colors["_NoseLineColor"]);

        // Texture Scale Offset
        yield return ("_Maps_ST", colors["_MainMaps_ST"]);

        // Expression
        yield return ("_ExCheekColor", colors["_ExCheekColor"]);
        yield return ("_ExShyColor", colors["_ExShyColor"]);
        yield return ("_ExShadowColor", colors["_ExShadowColor"]);
        yield return ("_ExEyeColor", colors["_ExEyeColor"]);